How to make a submission.

Making a submission

Submissions will be accepted from the 14th June until the 23rd August on any aspect of the Draft Plans or the Environmental Reports.  We will accept submissions made directly on this site, or written or email submissions, you must be registered to make a comment/submission to the site.
You can make a submission by using the “Add new comment ” box at the end of every page.  
You can select if you want your comment to remain as a comment, or you can mark it as a submission to the Plan,in which case it will be addressed in the Manager’s Report on Submissions to the Draft.  
(i.e.) If you want the comment to be a formal submission to the Plan you can tick the checkbox labelled:
 'Check this box if you wish this comment to be accepted as a formal submission to the plans'
Ideally you should make your submission(s) on the pages of the plan which best relate to the topics of your submission(s).
Submissions can also  be made via email and by video, using YouTube

What is a submission? 

A submission is a statement of your, or your group’s, views, opinions or knowledge on a particular plan or policy being considered.  In this case, the submission relates to the Development Plans being made by Kilkenny Local Authorities.  A submission is usually a written document and may contain maps, photos or other illustrations.  
The submission needs to be very clear and focused, so that the Council know who you are, how you identified the issues and why you want to make the submission.  Below is a sample submission template that you could use.    
Sample Submission Template
Contact Name:
Name of Group if applicable:
1. What is the purpose of the submission—explain what elements of the Plan you wish to comment on and why.
2. Add in any background information you consider relevant. 
3. Outline your ideas, opinions, and what possible options or solutions you can suggest which would improve the Plan. 
4. If your submission relates to a specific location, make sure to include a map, or any other photos that would help in making your case.  
Useful links: 
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