
City 4. Economic Development

4         Economic Development

Strategic Aim: To provide a framework for the implementation of the economic strategy and the protection of the environment and heritage, to position the city for sustainable economic growth and employment. 

Appendix A. Retail Strategy

Appendix A: Retail Strategy

A.1   Capacity Assessment

The capacity assessment is the mechanism used to estimate the amount of additional expenditure that will occur in the County over the period of the Strategy to 2020. The 2007 Review considered capacity to 2020 but this review does not extend the period beyond 2020 (the life time of the next development plan). 

The key inputs and outputs to the capacity assessment are a derivation of the following:

4. Economic Development

4   Economic Development

Strategic Aim: To provide a framework for the implementation of the Council’s economic strategy and the protection of the environment and heritage, to position the county for sustainable economic growth and employment. 

Retail/Heritage Meeting Resources

Denis Malone - Retail/Heritage the Parade Tower 24th July 2012

Dearbhala Ledwidge Retail/Heritage the Parade Tower 24th July 2012


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