City Draft Plan

City 10. Transport

10    Transport

Strategic aim:  to co-ordinate transport and land use planning, reducing the demand for travel and the reliance on the private car in favour of public transport, cycling and walking.   

City 9. Renewable Energy Strategy

9         Renewable Energy Strategy

Strategic Aim: To promote and facilitate all forms of renewable energies and improvements in energy efficiencies as a response to climate change. 

9.1       Introduction

Renewable energy sources are defined here as inexhaustible natural resources which occur naturally and repeatedly in the environment. These sources include the wind, oceans, plant life and falling water.

City 8. Infrastructure and Environment

8         Infrastructure and Environment

Strategic Aim: To provide a framework for the protection of the environment, including water quality, the avoidance of flood risk and the provision of a high quality telecommunications infrastructure.

City 7. Heritage

7         Heritage

Strategic Aim: To seek the protection, sustainable management and where possible, enhancement of heritage for the benefit of current and future generations and to promote increased awareness of heritage through policies and actions.


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