Re: Proposed Addition of terrace three bay two storey house, c 1825, Main Street, Urlingford to Kilkenny County Council record of protected structures in accordance with the Planning and Development Act 2000-2012.
Dear Mr. McCormack,
I wish to inform you of certain errors in the review carried out by you department on my property Reg No 12304020.
Firstly the fine detailing that is referred to in the appraisal was constructed in the 1950's as this building had been used as a shop until then. Thus the muted Gothic-style theme and the site is circa 1950's not c1825.
Secondly I purchased this property in 2001 and at that time I had to replace the windows as the old windows were beyond repair. The new windows are a reproduction of the old ones. I believe that the windows I replaced were installed in the 1950's.
Thirdly, with reference to the description of the window sills it is stated that they are cut stone this is not so, they are of concrete construction.
I trust that with this new information made available to you it is obvious that this building does not meet the criteria to make it worthy of being added to the Record of Protected Structures.
If you require any further information do not hesitate to contact me.
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