D7 - Addition to RPS

Dear Sir, I wish to make a submission regarding my properties at the above address with reference numbers ADD/132/13 ADD/l34/13 ADD/140/13

I have enclosed a copy of the three records as received by registered letter from your office with highlighted corrections.

I've also been in contact by telephone with Aine Doyle at approx 10.00am this day, as dated above. Our conversation regarding all these highlighted alterations will have been logged by her. However I do wish to make a few points that are relevant ................ to me.

1. This property has been in the care of my family for about eight generations.

2. We love our home, it provides us with our living as well as our shelter.

3. We have never and would never do anything that would totally alter or destroy our heritage.

4. We will need to do repairs and alterations from time to time. eg There is a new roof badly needed on the attached out-office mentioned in ADD/140/13 which is corrugated iron (rusted and fatigued at the moment) but which would be of much better service to our business and the preservation of the building itself if it were cladding.

5 To you this property may be just three files to be dealt with ............... to me this property is "Kilkenny Castle" where all my ancestors have toiled and where I with my son also toil.

6. I can see no reason for sectioning this property other than to create a fund-raising effort by the councilor to prevent me from doing any further development without incurring extra costs in planning permission.

7. The alterations which I have already made and which are noted in the phone log from this morning in no way changed the overall character of my property. All the new windows, while being PVC, are six over six and are in keeping with a 1911 photograph. The new moulded rainwater gutters that replaced the old leaking cast iron ones are in keeping with those that the council sanctioned for other buildings in my immediate area. I retained the old downpipe. The roof, which leaked, was also replaced and while I would have loved to replace the old slates with similar, I was advised that the weight of the slates would damage the old walls, so comprise had to be made. The archway gate on Mill Road which replaced a beautiful old timber one was required because local youths were burning it with fireworks and it was a danger not just to our lives but also it could have destroyed the building itself. Only work that was necessary for the preservation and proper maintenance of my property has been carried out by me. I only wish to be allowed to remain in control of my property so that I will feel it worth my while to maintain it to the standards that I am endeavouring to achieve.

Many thanks for your time and also the time of your staff, especially Aine Doyle.

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